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FDA-approved disulfiram as a novel treatment for aggressive leukemia

Acute leukemia continues to be a major cause of death from disease worldwide and current chemotherapeutic agents are associated with significant morbidity in survivors. While better and safer treatments for acute leukemia are urgently needed, standard drug development pipelines are lengthy and drug repurposing therefore provides a promising approach.


Future-proofing genomic data and consent management: a comprehensive review of technology innovations

Genomic information is increasingly used to inform medical treatments and manage future disease risks. However, any personal and societal gains must be carefully balanced against the risk to individuals contributing their genomic data. Expanding our understanding of actionable genomic insights requires researchers to access large global datasets to capture the complexity of genomic contribution to diseases.


The valence-specific empathy imbalance hypothesis of autism: The role of autistic traits, alexithymia, emotion dysregulation, and gender differences

Individuals exhibiting pronounced autistic traits (e.g., social differences and specialised interests) may struggle with cognitive empathy (i.e., the ability to infer others' emotions), although the relationship with affective empathy (i.e., the ability to share others' emotions) is less clear in that higher levels of autistic traits may be linked with increased affective empathy for negative emotions but reduced affective empathy for positive emotions. The current study investigates this empathy profile and whether alexithymia and emotion dysregulation help to explain it.


Determinants of drug-resistant tuberculosis in Hunan province, China: a case-control study

Drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) is a major public health threat in Hunan Province, with an increasing clinical burden in recent years. This study aimed to identify socio-demographic and clinical factors associated with DR-TB in Hunan province, China.


Mapping the incidence rate of typhoid fever in sub-Saharan Africa

With more than 1.2 million illnesses and 29,000 deaths in sub-Saharan Africa in 2017, typhoid fever continues to be a major public health problem. Effective control of the disease would benefit from an understanding of the subnational geospatial distribution of the disease incidence.


Supportive care needs and associated factors among caregivers of patients with colorectal cancer: a cross-sectional study

To assess the level of supportive care needs of caregivers of colorectal cancer patients and explore the related key influencing factors. Totaling 283 caregivers of patients with colorectal cancer were investigated in this study. 


Experiences of parents of trans young people accessing Australian health services for their child: Findings from Trans Pathways

Many trans young people seek mental health support and gender-affirming medical interventions including puberty suppression, gender-affirming hormones and/or surgeries. Trans young people and their parents face multiple barriers in accessing gender-affirming care and mental health support, however little is known about the parent perspective on accessing services for their trans child.


Clinical practice guidelines: Their utility, dissemination and monitoring at Colonial War Memorial Hospital: A mixed methods study from Fiji

Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) improve patient care by standardising medical practice. However, little is known about their applicability in low-resource settings. Since 2010, Fiji has introduced guidelines to increase the application of evidence-based practice.


Fine-scale maps of malaria incidence to inform risk stratification in Laos

Malaria risk maps are crucial for controlling and eliminating malaria by identifying areas of varying transmission risk. In the Greater Mekong Subregion, these maps guide interventions and resource allocation. This article focuses on analysing changes in malaria transmission and developing fine-scale risk maps using five years of routine surveillance data in Laos (2017-2021). The study employed data from 1160 geolocated health facilities in Laos, along with high-resolution environmental data. 


Growth patterns in individuals with CDKL5 deficiency disorder

Aim: To compare growth in individuals with cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 (CDKL5) deficiency disorder with population norms and to investigate the effect of gastrostomy on growth.