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EVENT: Aboriginal Health Forum

Following our highly successful Open Space Forums in 2014, The Kids warmly invites you to our next forum on Aboriginal Health.

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Warburton Community book launch

The Kids Research Institute Australia Founding Director Professor Fiona Stanley will help launch a series of children's books on Monday, written by local Aboriginal people

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Gastro gap between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children shrinking

The world's largest study of gastroenteritis trends in children has shown the disparity between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal health may be improving.

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New Study Focuses on Teen Sex Issues

Western Australian researchers are surveying secondary school students to find out what factors put young people at risk of unintended pregnancy.

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Infections leave life-long scars

High rates of recurrent infection are a major risk to the health of Aboriginal children and are comparable to those of third world countries.


Responsive service design and workforce strengthening: Recommendations to improve aged care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

This study aimed to develop innovative and practical strategies and recommendations for aged care policy and practice that support the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.


Identifying barriers and facilitators for the effective diagnosis and provision of primary health care for otitis media from the perspective of carers of Aboriginal children

To identify the barriers and facilitators for timely detection and optimal management of otitis media in Aboriginal children in a primary care setting from the perspective of carers of Aboriginal children. 


Health System Enablers and Barriers to Continuity of Care for First Nations Peoples Living with Chronic Disease

Failings in providing continuity of care following an acute event for a chronic disease contribute to care inequities for First Nations Peoples in Australia, Canada, and Aotearoa (New Zealand).


The epidemiology of superficial Streptococcal A (impetigo and pharyngitis) infections in Australia: A systematic review

Streptoccocal A (Strep A, GAS) infections in Australia are responsible for significant morbidity and mortality through both invasive (iGAS) and post-streptococcal (postGAS) diseases as well as preceding superficial (sGAS) skin and throat infection. The burden of iGAS and postGAS are addressed in some jurisdictions by mandatory notification systems; in contrast, the burden of preceding sGAS has no reporting structure, and is less well defined.


The impact of diabetes during pregnancy on neonatal outcomes among the Aboriginal population in Western Australia: a whole-population study

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (hereafter Aboriginal) women have a high prevalence of diabetes in pregnancy (DIP), which includes pre-gestational diabetes mellitus (PGDM) and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). We aimed to characterize the impact of DIP in babies born to Aboriginal mothers.