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It is more “unbalanced” than you think

Sébastien Malinge PhD Laboratory Head, Translational Genomics in Leukaemia, Ursula Kees Fellow (CCRF), Cancer Council WA Fellow (CCWA), Senior


Cochrane corner: platinum-induced hearing loss after treatment for childhood cancer

This systematic review shows that children treated with platinum analogues are at risk of developing hearing loss


Whole genome and biomarker analysis of patients with recurrent glioblastoma on bevacizumab: A subset analysis of the CABARET trial.

Whole genome sequencing of poor and exceptional survivors identified a gain in Chromosome 19 that was exclusive to the exceptional survivors


Impaired T cell proliferation by ex vivo BET-inhibition impedes adoptive immunotherapy in a murine melanoma model

We established a pipeline to assess the effects of epigenetic modifiers on CD8+ T cell proliferation, differentiation, and efficacy in a preclinical melanoma model


The role of CCN family genes in haematological malignancies

Haematological malignancies, although a broad range of specific disease types, continue to show considerable overlap in classification, and patients are...


CCI-007, a novel small molecule with cytotoxic activity against infant leukemia with MLL rearrangements

Identified CCI-007 as a novel small molecule that displays rapid toxicity towards a subset of MLL-r, CALM-AF10 and SET-NUP214 leukemia cell lines


Risk of cancer among children with birth defects: A novel approach

This novel approach aimed to prevent inflated hazard ratios arising from reverse causation, and allow identification of associations beyond those already...


Medulloblastoma Down Under 2013: a report from the third annual meeting of the International Medulloblastoma Working Group

Medulloblastoma is curable in approximately 70 % of patients. Over the past decade, progress in improving survival using conventional therapies has stalled...


Confirmation of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia Variants, ARID5B and IKZF1, and interaction with parental environmental exposures

The polygenic nature of childhood ALL predisposition together with the timing of environmental triggers may hold vital clues for disease etiology.


Risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia following parental occupational exposure to pesticides

Risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia following parental occupational exposure to pesticides.