Socioeconomic disparities in the mental health of Indigenous children in Western AustraliaThe burden of mental health problems among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children is a major public health problem in Australia.
The effectiveness of enhanced cognitive behavioural therapy for eating disorders: An open trialThe aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of Enhanced Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT-E) for eating disorders in an open trial for adults...
Early morbidity and mortality following in utero exposure to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitorsThe early years of life have a profound effect on a child's developmental pathway.
Examining the risk factors for suicidal behaviour of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children...While the majority of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are travelling on track or exceeding across all developmental domains...
Maternal death and the onward psychosocial circumstances of Australian Aboriginal children and young peopleThis study sought to determine the social and emotional impact of maternal loss on Aboriginal children and young people using data from the Western...
Prenatal stress and risk of behavioral morbidity from age 2 to 14 years:The maternal experience of stressful events during pregnancy has been associated with a number of adverse consequences for behavioral development offspring...
It's normal for children and teenagers to experience a range of emotions, including sadness, however childhood depression is more than just feeling sad.
Mental health in female veterinarians: Effects of working hours and having childrenMore than one-third (37%) of the sample was suffering 'minor psychological distress', suggesting the stressful nature of veterinary practice.
Mothers' and Fathers' Work Hours, Child Gender, and Behavior in Middle ChildhoodThis study examined the association between typical parental work hours (including nonemployed parents) and children's behavior in two-parent heterosexual...
How the first nine months shape the rest of our livesThe field of the developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD) focuses on prenatal influences as a crucial point in development.