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Building Bridges

Investigators: Ashleigh Lin, Glenn Pearson, Margaret O'Connell, Michael Wright

The aim of Building Bridges is to improve the access for and engagement of Aboriginal young people who require mental health services in the Perth metropolitan region. Building Bridges brings together Nyoongar community Elders, Nyoongar young people, and mental health service providers (headspace Midland, Youth Mental Health, Youth Focus). We are working to change practices and attitudes to ensure that mental health service provision is suitable and culturally safe for Aboriginal young people. This work is led by Dr Michael Wright from The Kids Research Institute Australia and Curtin University.

Building Bridges uses a participatory action research methodology to co-design and amend work practices to ensure that youth mental health services are appropriate and culturally safe for Aboriginal young people. We work with 3 Nyoongar Elders and a group of young people, as well as youth mental health providers and policy makers.