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If you think you can do it, that's confidence: If you do it that's competence-Where are we in pediatric anesthesia?

Should we be practicing new procedures on children under our care in the absence of formal supervision, teaching, and assessment that prove we are competent to do so

Peyton J, von Ungern-Sternberg BS. If you think you can do it, that's confidence: If you do it that's competence-Where are we in pediatric anesthesia? Paediatric anaesthesia. 2019;29(10):981-2

If only 2/3 of trainees achieve competence in a relatively simple technique, such as orotracheal intubation, after around 30 directly supervised procedures, where does that leave those of us who do not have the luxury of direct supervision, or only for a limited time frame, and continued teaching, while we try to learn new techniques and procedures? Should we be practicing new procedures on children under our care in the absence of formal supervision, teaching, and assessment that prove we are competent to do so? The challenge facing pediatric anesthesia departments around the world is how to continually improve care, ensure their staff are up to date and fully competent while running efficient, high‐quality services. The absence of established mechanisms to ensure this mean each department must develop their own solutions, but it should not come at the price of exposing children to the incompetent trying to become competent.