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Laboratory Equipment

Most laboratory equipment at Telethon Kids Institute is owned and maintained by the Institute, in order to make this available for use by all staff and students.

Most laboratory equipment at Telethon Kids Institute is owned and maintained by the Institute, in order to make this available for use by all staff and students.

Laboratory Management are responsible for the replacement of general equipment and consulting for new specialist equipment. Discover the range of equipment we have available below.

Automated Cell Counters and Analysers

  • Countess II FL Cell Counter | Quick Guide | Tissue culture suites
  • Tali Image-based cytometer
  • Mindray Auto Haematology Analyser
  • Dri-Chem NX500 Clinical Chemistry Analyser

Histology Suite

  • Autostainer XL
  • Tissue Processor ASP200S
  • Cryostat, Leica CM1860 UV
  • Embedding Station EG1150C, EG1150H
  • Floatation Workstation
  • Microtome, Leica RM2135
  • Microtome, KD3358 Semi-Automatic
  • Double-Headed Microscope, Nikon Eclipse Ci

Nucleic Acid and Protein Analysers

  • Chromium iX Single Cell Assay System
  • Bio-Plex® Multiplex Immunoassay System
  • Bioanalyzer 2100
  • Nanodrop
  • Qubit Fluorometer
  • Direct detect® Spectrometer
  • BioSpectrotometer
  • Innoscan 710 Microarray Scanner

Plate Readers

  • CLARIOstar Multimode Plate Readers
  • EnSpire® Multimode Plate Reader
  • Biotek Synergy MX Plate Reader
  • AID EliSpot Reader
  • MSD S600 Chemiluminescent Plate Reader

Western Blot and Gel Imaging Systems

  • Milo Single Cell Western System
  • Odyssey CLx
  • LED Transilluminator
  • Vilber imaging system

Protein / Nucleic Acid Purification Systems

  • FPLC GE AKTA M2 Pure Protein Purification Systems
  • QIAcube automated RNA/ DNA/ Protein Purification System
  • Chemagic automated RNA / DNA Purification System

PCR Systems

  • Droplet Digital PCR System
  • QuantStudio 7 Flex Real-time qPCR System
  • ABI Prism® 7900HT fast real-time PCR System
  • Biorad CFX96 qPCR System
  • Thermal Cyclers (multiple brands)

Tissue Homogenizers

  • Gentle MACS Octo Dissociators with Heater
  • Precellys 24 Tissue Homegenizer
  • McIlwain Tissue Chopper
  • FastPrep -24 homogenizer

Radiation Suite

  • MicroBeta2 Counter
  • FliterMate Cell Harvester
  • Bioscan QC2000 Radioactivity Counter
  • Hybridisation Incubators

Miscellaneous Equipment

  • NEPA21 In Vivo / In Vitro Electroporation System | Bioresources
  • Innova 44 Incubator Shakers
  • Ultrasonicator, Covaris M220
  • Lynx High-speed centrifuges
  • Beckman Ultracentrifuge