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Program Manager FASD Prevention

This position will coordinate and manage activities of the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Prevention Research Program in three regions

The Position:

This position will be responsible for coordinating and managing the activities of the Making FASD History Prevention Research Program, operationalising the decisions of the Steering Committees in order to achieve the objectives of the program.

The Prevention Research Program is conducted across multiple sites in the Pilbara, Alice Springs and Newcastle and this position will be responsible for line managing project staff. The program includes the BHP-and NHMRC-funded Making FASD History Strategy (Pilbara region 2015-2020); and the National Multi-Site Prevention Program (2017-2020).

Key responsibilities:

  • Work with Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal organisations, researchers and health promotion officers to develop, implement and evaluate strategies for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) prevention in Aboriginal communities in the Pilbara, Newcastle and Alice Springs.
  • Manage the prevention team's conduct of applied research, preparation of grant and ethics applications, publications and reports, and production of program materials.
  • Directly or indirectly manage the project budgets and project staff based in Perth, the Pilbara, Newcastle and Alice Springs. Read about the Pilbara FASD project

The successful applicant will:

  • Contribute to the conception and design of FASD prevention strategies and apply new ideas after appropriate consultation
  • Contribute to the preparation of grant and ethics applications
  • Manage development of FASD prevention strategies, materials, evaluation frameworks and databases
  • Manage the project budget and project staff based in Perth and the Pilbara, and oversee key activities of Alice Springs and Newcastle based staff.
  • Oversee data management to ensure data integrity and quality assurance. and data analysis and reports
  • Work collaboratively with Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities in the Pilbara, Newcastle and Alice Springs to develop community informed and culturally secure FASD prevention strategies
  • Build networks with stakeholders, other researchers, policy makers and the community in relation to FASD Prevention Research in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities in the Pilbara, Newcastle and Alice Springs.
  • Work with the project team in the preparation of research papers for publication, presentations, reports, articles and other documentation
  • Support translating the FASD Prevention research findings into practice and policy

Persons of Aboriginal descent are encouraged to apply.

This is a full time role for 2.5 years with a 6 month probation period. This position will commence mid-January 2018. Remuneration package includes access to generous salary packaging.

Applications not addressing the essential and desirable criteria outlined in the job description will not be considered.

How to Apply:

Applicants should read the Job description available here.

Please provide a statement addressing the Essential and Desirable Criteria listed in the Job Description.

Applicantions not addressing these Criteria will not be considered.

Submit your CV, Cover Letter and Staement addressing the Essential and Desirable Criteria to

Please quote the position title in the subject heading of your email application.

For further information about this position please contact Kaashifah Bruce.

Closing date: 5pm, Thursday 7th December, 2017