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Development Manager

A new position for a skilled and motivated professional to build and progress a comprehensive, multifaceted high volume community fundraising program.

  • Highly regarded iconic Western Australian health and medical research institute
  • Develop and deliver a unique high volume community fundraising program
  • Seeking an experienced grassroots fundraiser or marketing professional

A new position for a skilled and motivated professional to build and progress a comprehensive, multifaceted high volume community fundraising program.

The Kids Research Institute Australia relies on philanthropy to achieve 35 percent of its annual revenue for its many research programs. It therefore seeks to build and maintain a lean, high performing Development Team, one that conducts a wide assortment of fundraising programs governed by an ethos of kindness, respect and generosity toward donors.
We are seeking an experienced grassroots fundraiser or marketing professional highly skilled in using digital and traditional fundraising or sales platforms.
The Development Manager is responsible for building and progressing a multifaceted high volume community fundraising program, that is, one where a high volume of donors will be given many meaningful ways to make gifts of values up to $1,000.  A comprehensive high volume community fundraising program will include the following components: digital fundraising; recurring giving; direct mail; direct response advertising (TV and newspaper); in memoriam, special occasion, and tribute giving; employee giving; cause-related marketing; community fundraising; corporate, school and civic group fundraising; and bespoke fundraising programs having their own identities, or sub-brands.
The successful candidate is a seasoned, highly skilled and self-motivated professional who thrives on having substantial responsibilities and achieving results and will have a demonstrated appreciation and knowledge of fundraising best practice, or of a similar field where success depends upon connecting with and motivating consumers (or various stakeholder groups) to engage with their hearts, minds, and wallets.
The Development Manager will work with the Marketing, Communications and Development team; establish processes whereby gifts are requested politely and compellingly; build programs that are effective, sustainable and efficient and assess outcomes annually according to established metrics.
In building the program, the Development Manager will initially have the dedicated support of colleagues in the Marketing, Communications and Development team, and will be given a basic operating budget.
Initial enquiries are welcome. 
How to apply:
Applicants must read the job description available here and provide their resume and a separate document addressing each of the essential and desirable skills, knowledge and experience criteria for this position.
Submit your application along with a covering letter to
Please quote the position title in the subject heading of your email application.
For further information about this position please contact Megan Keep.